Blogging For Business Improves Online Page Ranking
Blogs—Here to Stay and Good for Business!
The internet is always changing and developing new modes of communication. How our society communicates reflects how they make buying choices. Over time the Weblog or “blogging” has become a central component of online interaction. The search engines have taken this into account. Quality aged content has good SEO pull, but so does relevant content that is up-to-date. Websites that have new content posted on a regular basis to the site get crawled more often by the search engines. Enter blogging for business.
Business Blogging Services by Internet Business SEO
At Internet Business SEO we help you enter the blogosphere as it makes sense for your business model. You can leverage the great pull blogging can have for your website without spending hours at it every week.
- Blog for you—We offer business blog writing services where a trained website content writer and blogger writes regular blogs and posts them to your site.
- Easy blog posting—We create websites that make it easy for you to write and post your own blogs.
- Business blogging training—We offer regular and ongoing training on how to effectively blog for business just in thirty minutes per week or less. This training is provided by instructors who are experienced in teaching all writing levels and abilities.
What is a Blog?
A blog (a contraction of the term “Web log“) is a web site, usually maintained by an individual or group, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, descriptions of products and services referred to as “articles” or “posts”, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are typically displayed in reverse-chronological order, newest to oldest.
How Can Blogging Help My Business?
Most corporate blogs focus on communicating product and service information to potential customers, while others can communicate special interest of the company. A typical corporate blog combines product text and images with links back to the corporate web site for detailed information on their products and services. Blogs are a great way to quickly communicate information about your company and specifically about your product offerings. What makes blogging effective in driving more leads is that the search engines are placing a higher value on their content because that content is getting updated on a regular basis.
The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. A blog is a great way for potential clients to inquire about your products and services as well as accept testimonials from current clients. As of December 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs.
Internet Business SEO has several years of blogging experience with several success stories to its credit. Blogging is a key element to our search engine optimization promotion process a proven strategy to getting your company ranked highly with the major search engines.
More About Corporate Blogging
Although there are many different types of corporate blogs, most can be categorized as either external or internal.
Internal Blogs
An internal blog is generally accessed through the corporate Intranet that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing employees to post to them. The informal nature of blogs may encourage:
- employee participation
- free discussion of issues
- collective intelligence
- a sense of community
Internal blogs may be used in lieu of e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the staff involved are in varying locations, or have schedule conflicts. Blogs may also allow staff who may not have been invited to participate in a discussion to contribute their expertise.
External Blogs
An external blog is a public Weblog where company employees, teams, departments, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services, or the end of old products, to explain policies, or to even react to public criticism on certain issues. Some corporate blogs, but not all, allow visitor comments to be made to the posts which can then be reviewed and released for viewing in the blog site.
A business blog can provide additional value by adding a level of credibility that is often hard to achieve from a standard corporate site. Business blogs can interact with a target audience on a personal level while also building link reputation and credibility back to the corporate site.
Blogging Popularity
Blogs are not new to the corporate world. More than 5% of the Fortune 500 companies blog. Market research conducted by an independent Internet Marketing firm done in the first half of 2006 indicated that 34% of large companies had established blog sites. Another 35% planned to do so by the end of 2006, thus bringing the total to nearly 70%.