Custom Web Site Designs Optimized For Search
Are You Getting the Results You Expected from Your Website?
Memorable marketing design combines visual impact with extraordinary copy. A good website must combine these effective marketing techniques, while employing search engine optimization. No matter how great your website looks, if the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing cannot find it, you will never get found online. Creating a web site that successfully communicates your business brand and offering is quite different than creating a traditional marketing piece such as a company brochure. Your web site is also a business investment, not a throw-away piece of literature. If your web site is not converting the web traffic it’s getting to legitimate leads then your web site is failing.
Delivering Web Site Design Solutions That Succeed!
Internet Business SEO is an experienced and well established web design company specializing in Web site Design and Web Development. We have been designing and developing successful, search engine optimized websites for over 12 years (before Google started). We uniquely combine our web design experience with our expert understanding of search engines to create a web site solution for your company that will deliver results!
Your Message, Product, or Service Found by Online Searchers
A well designed website both markets your product and service, and is optimized to be found by search engines. We understand that you want your website to look good—to reflect the quality of product and service that you bring your customers. We also understand that you want your website to be found online at the top when people search for your product or service.
Optimized Content for Quality Web Site Design
Because of the expanse and openness of the Internet it is not just your customers and prospects that can find you on the web. There are 3rd party entities that can also find your web site for varying reasons. These entities range from search engine robots to online advertisers and online directories. What these entities all have in common is they are aggregating content for their web sites to make available to their visitors. What your web site needs to do is capitalize on this fact and leverage the traffic the 3rd party entities can drive to your web site.
To achieve this, it makes it imperative that your web site content is organized and optimized to deliver your content in a clear, concise manner. Organizing and optimizing your web site content makes it not only user-friendly, but also search engine friendly. It’s all about “relevancy”; search engines, and the people that use them, expect to find relevant content when searching the web by keyword phrases.
Before You Hire a Web Design and Development Company…
Selecting the right web design company can be a difficult task. Most people don’t understand web development and how it’s done. But being prepared is half the battle. Below is a simple list of questions to help qualify your web site design firm that you will want to print out and keep handy when interviewing potential companies.
- How long has your company been in business?
- Will I own the rights to the design work?
- Will I own the rights to the content?
- Will I own rights of the domain name?
- Do you have a list of clients that can be contacted as a reference?
- Does your company have a portfolio of recent as well as older projects?
- Has your company successfully completed a project similar to ours?
- Do you offer Search Engine Optimization services or have a strategic partner for these services you’ve worked with regularly?
It may take a little time to perform these tasks, but the pain and agony it could save is priceless.